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Result Service - Competition info
Name competition :WDSF Senior III Latin
City :Stuttgart
Country :Germany
Date :Friday, 08-16-2024
Association :IDSF
Disipline :Latin
Type :Open
Age :Senior III Latin

Result Service - Results

Result Service / WDSF Senior III Latin / Senior III Latin
Search string:
PLCouplenumber and Couple nameMediaSponsorsCountry
1Frantisek Beres - Miriam Beresova Slovakia
2Petri Jarvinen - Ulla Jarvinen Photos of couple available  Finland
3Herbert Schoepf - Beatrix Schoepf Austria
4Markus Voelker - Wilhelmine Wolff Photos of couple available  Germany
5Patrick Lemaire - Jennifer Massaro Photos of couple available  France
6Fabio Di Maria - Loredana Casadei Photos of couple available  Italy
Semi Final
PLCouplenumber and Couple nameMediaSponsorsCountry
7Flavio Lodigiani - Patrizia Patt Sui
8Roberto Danero - Eleonora Cicero Photos of couple available  Italy
9Daniel Scaravella - Isabelle Scaravella France
10Achim Hobl - Kerstin Hahn Photos of couple available  Germany
10Gabriele Camagna - Simona Oddone Italy
12Renι Klatt - Martina Klatt Ger
13Joerg Heberer - Alexandra Heberer Photos of couple available  Germany
Quarter Final
PLCouplenumber and Couple nameMediaSponsorsCountry
14Andreas Krause - Karin Saleina Photos of couple available  Germany
15Enrico Donato Chiattone - Morena Bonacini Italy
16Arturo Cordoba Pastor - Victoria Hernandez Sierra Esp
17Krzysztof Popa - Jolanta Popa Poland
18Karl-Heinz Schweiger - Olga Karoulis-Schweiger Photos of couple available  Germany
19Hirofumi Sakamoto - Junko Sakamoto Photos of couple available  Japan
20Urmas Saetalu - Triinu Saetalu Estonia
21Tarik Ibnouzahir - Birgitt Greif France
21Marc Gruber - Martina Gruber Aut
23Marcus Hoetzel - Jenny Hoetzel Germany
24Masanao Kunimatsu - Chie Kunimatsu Jpn
25Christian Pilz - Alexa Elser Aut
Round 2
PLCouplenumber and Couple nameMediaSponsorsCountry
26Kike Tolra - Laura Belenguer Esp
26Harald Wolff - Antje Wolff Germany
28Frank Sudholt - Wibke Sudholt Photos of couple available  Switzerland
29Sumito Takeda - Ayumi Takeda Photos of couple available  Japan
30Francesco Ippolito - Katia Bracco Photos of couple available  Italy
31Hans-Juergen Gallo - Astrid Gallo Photos of couple available  Ger
32Uwe Arentz - Andrea Arentz Germany
32Ralf Lindgren - Claudia Schall Ger
34Dimitrios Joannou - Tanja Joannou Ger
35Clemens Kalmer - Petra Kalmer Photos of couple available  Germany
36Marek Turek - Grazyna Turek Ger
36Pavlo Orol - Olena Orol Photos of couple available  Ukraine
38Goetz Bierbaum - Maren Mueller-Bierbaum Photos of couple available  Germany
38Thomas Schonjahn - Christine Schonjahn Ger
38Eleuterio Lopez Ortiz - Carmen Zuniga Gutierrez Spain
41Patrick Maurer - Nathalie Maurer Photos of couple available  Switzerland
42Silvano Rodia - Julia Kunsek Ger
42Thomas Henker - Carina Nievergelt-Schmidt Ger
42Rigobert Wagner - Simone Wagner Ger
42Tommi Rainola - Sirpa Kovaniemi Finland
46Roman Skyba - Jana Skybova Cze
46Serge Le Poittevin - Christine Schmitt France
48Vittorio Altomare - Rosaria Mazzetti Italy
48Holger Bernien - Silke Hoffmann Ger
50Markus Maeurer - Marion Maeurer Photos of couple available  Germany
Round 1
PLCouplenumber and Couple nameMediaSponsorsCountry
51Rainer Weller - Andrea Rosler Ger
52Hebenstrick Klaus - Maren Schumacher Ger
52Ben Kimmich - Alexandra Berger Kimmich Photos of couple available  Germany
52Wolfgang Lemke - Ewelina Lemke Ger
55Uwe Hess - Simone Hess Germany
56Werner Wolf - Babette Wolf Ger
57Toni De Josep Tello - Assumpta Codina Vinas Esp
57Stefan Lehr - Nora Falke Switzerland
59Thomas Aicher - Sibylle Aicher Ger
60Stefan Luft - Diana Luft Ger
61Christoph Pollmann - Astrid Pollmann Photos of couple available  Germany
61Helmut Rauwald - Iris Rauwald Ger
63Michael Riedl - Barbara Janauschek Germany
63Markus Oliver Berwing - Ursula Wittwer-Backofen Ger
65Oliver Albers - Jutta Maccio Ger
66Olav Sepp - Anu Sepp Est
67Mauro Piovesana - Viviana Sciuca Ita
68Uwe Wolf - Bianca Schilling Ger
69Carlton James Fitzgerald - Laurian Fitzgerald Simona Rou
70Brod Wolfram - Brod Mila Ger