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Result Service - Competition info
Name competition :WDSF Senior II Open Standard
City :Wuppertal
Country :Germany
Date :Friday, 07-03-2015
Association :IDSF
Disipline :Standard
Type :Open
Age :Senior II Standard

Result Service - Results

Result Service / WDSF Senior II Open Standard / Senior II Standard
Search string:
PLCouplenumber and Couple nameMediaSponsorsCountry
1 (14) Stefano Bernardini - Stefania Martellini Photos of couple available  Italy
2 (10) Alberto Belometti - Barbara Pini Photos of couple available  Italy
3 (131) Pierre Payen - Isabelle Reyjal Photos of couple available  France
4 (40) Gert Faustmann - Alexandra Kley Photos of couple available  Germany
5 (85) Bernd Ketturkat - Sandra Ketturkat Photos of couple available  Germany
6 (133) Peter Pfeiffer - Miriam Pfeiffer Photos of couple available  Germany
Semi Final
PLCouplenumber and Couple nameMediaSponsorsCountry
7 (166) Rene Seyboth - Heike Seyboth Photos of couple available  Germany
8 (99) Wolfgang Lauer - Michaela Rothlaender Germany
9 (38) Rene Ewals - Ymke Lemmens Photos of couple available  Sponsor: StunningDresses - Dress Sales Netherlands
9 (96) Andrey Kukk - Anna Berezina Photos of couple available  Russian Federation
11 (52) Bernhard Fuss - Sonja Fuss Photos of couple available  Germany
12 (46) Fiorenzo Fortin - Marianna Voltan Photos of couple available  Italy
Quarter Final
PLCouplenumber and Couple nameMediaSponsorsCountry
13 (8) Juergen Beck - Claudia Kleineheismann Photos of couple available  Germany
14 (42) Massimiliano Ferrini - Elisabetta Galilei Italy
15 (148) Marino Riello - Antonella Perin Photos of couple available  Italy
16 (89) Stefan Kolip - Inge Kolip Photos of couple available  Germany
17 (120) Antonio Mario Montanini - Emanuela Zaramella Photos of couple available  -
18 (164) Christof Andreas Schulz - Nadja Hartwig Photos of couple available  Germany
18 (146) Gaetano Ricciardelli - Lea Miranda Photos of couple available  Italy
20 (71) Christian Holderried - Daniela Saeurle-Holderried Photos of couple available  Germany
21 (182) Knut Wichmann - Antje Wichmann Photos of couple available  Germany
22 (152) Ronny Romijn - Anne Romijn-Briene Photos of couple available  Ned
22 (55) Olivier Albert Gastaldi - Muriel Haegel Gastaldi Photos of couple available  Italy
24 (141) Enrico Pratesi - Mariella Landini Italy
Round 3
PLCouplenumber and Couple nameMediaSponsorsCountry
25 (83) Indrek Kasak - Kristine-Kristi Kasak Estonia
25 (158) Soenke Schakat - Solveig Schakat Photos of couple available  Germany
27 (66) Marko Heller - Anja Heitmann Photos of couple available  Germany
28 (98) Ralf Laemmermaier - Stella Laemmermaier Photos of couple available  Germany
29 (114) Alberto Metello - Roberta Martin Italy
30 (67) Jean-Hugues Henneghien - Eun-Sook Scherf Photos of couple available  Belgium
31 (48) Peter Froehlingsdorf - Meike Froehlingsdorf Photos of couple available  Germany
31 (167) Michael Sipek - Susanne Sipek Photos of couple available  Germany
33 (173) Ronny Ten Have - Anita Ten Have-Pampiermole Photos of couple available  Netherlands
34 (69) Alexander Hick - Petra-Alexandra Lessmann Photos of couple available  Germany
35 (54) Frank Garnath - Kirstin Tietgens Photos of couple available  Germany
36 (180) Holger Wenzel - Sabine Linke Photos of couple available  Germany
37 (177) Marius Torka - Barbara Torka Photos of couple available  Germany
37 (124) Mario Mueller-Frahm - Michaela Frahm Germany
37 (79) Stefan Jacob - Margit Stiebritz Photos of couple available  Germany
37 (15) Lorenzo Bevilacqua - Claudia Felesini Photos of couple available  Italy
41 (16) Peter Birndorfer - Christina Pothfelder Photos of couple available  Germany
42 (82) Eckehard Kahl - Anne Kahl Photos of couple available  Germany
43 (113) Roderik Mennens - Ruth Van De Moesdijk Photos of couple available Profile page present and updated Netherlands
44 (102) Oliver Leonhardt - Andrea Leonhardt Photos of couple available  Germany
45 (94) Thomas Kroeger - Marion Kroeger Germany
45 (3) Nico Averbeck - Simone Winkler Germany
47 (119) Moeller Knut - Moeller Iris Germany
48 (153) Albert Rommel - Andrea Rommel Photos of couple available  Germany
Round 2
PLCouplenumber and Couple nameMediaSponsorsCountry
49 (9) Horst Beckmann - Patricia Beckmann Photos of couple available  Germany
50 (126) Ingo Nicolaus - Eva Herz Germany
50 (26) Juergen Buttkus - Birgit Buttkus Germany
52 (64) Gregor Haeuslein - Tamara Brands Photos of couple available  Germany
53 (45) Willem Foppen - Christel Foppen Photos of couple available  Netherlands
53 (171) Heinz-Gerd Stratmann - Susanne Stratmann Photos of couple available  Germany
55 (150) Thomas Rill - Karin Rill Photos of couple available  Germany
55 (63) Michael Haul - Larissa Haul Photos of couple available  Club CéRonne Im Etv Hamburg
55 (44) Juergen Flimm - Christine Flimm Germany
58 (5) Gerhard Baier - Ingrid Cloos-Baier Photos of couple available  Germany
58 (110) Rainer Martius - Manuela Martius Photos of couple available  Germany
58 (112) Markus Mengelkamp - Manuela Prater Photos of couple available  Germany
61 (70) Wendelin Hilt - Heidi Gross Photos of couple available  Germany
62 (175) Falk Thomas - Sabrina Bisaccia Germany
62 (170) Juergen Stettner - Yvonne Werner Photos of couple available  Germany
62 (37) Siegfried Evertz - Yvonne Heyner Photos of couple available  Germany
62 (19) Michael Borchardt - Anita Borchardt Photos of couple available  Germany
66 (123) Frank Mueller - Konstanze Kristina Jacob Photos of couple available  Germany
66 (116) Frederic Meyerie - Aline Scanff Photos of couple available  France
66 (74) Friedrich Hoppe - Regine Riechers Germany
66 (25) Thomas Busta - Manuela Busta Photos of couple available  Germany
70 (137) Jiri Plsek - Jana Plskova Photos of couple available  Czech
71 (35) Sergio Dodaro - Francesca D 'Aviri Photos of couple available  Germany
71 (36) Oliver Draeger - Andrea Simon-Draeger Photos of couple available  Germany
71 (144) Konrad Reinauer - Susanne Reinauer Germany
74 (84) Bernd Kaufhold - Anja Kaufhold Photos of couple available  Germany
75 (145) Horst Retzer - Birgit Eva Retzer Photos of couple available  Germany
75 (95) Eckhard Krzemyk - Silke Bilda Photos of couple available  Germany
75 (90) Othmar Koenig - Ruth Koenig Germany
75 (7) Alexander Beaumont - Anne-Gabriele Beaumont Germany
75 (1) Valerio Aiuto - Rosetta Aiuto Photos of couple available  Germany
80 (168) Achim Stegemann - Heike Stegemann Photos of couple available  Germany
80 (138) Andreas Poestges - Corinna Poestges Germany
80 (129) Andreas Pabst - Christine Pabst Germany
80 (34) Dirk Dittrich - Jeanette Dittrich Germany
80 (23) Fritz Brummer - Kerstin Preisser Germany
85 (111) Gunther Meissner-Klich - Melanie Meissner Photos of couple available  Germany
86 (81) Romualdas Joksas - Ilona Joksa Latvia
86 (134) Ralf Pfitzner - Eva Pfitzner Photos of couple available  Germany
88 (105) Ari Lindgren - Satu Lindgren Photos of couple available  Finland
88 (76) Harald Huempfer - Ursula Huempfer Germany
88 (75) Thomas Horn - Rosita Boose Photos of couple available  Germany
88 (47) Martin Friederici - Ludmilla Friederici Germany
92 (53) Hans-Jurgen Gallo - Astrid Winter Photos of couple available  Germany
92 (163) Rainer Schramm - Marion Schramm Photos of couple available  Germany
94 (32) Dirk Dietrich - Kira Neller Photos of couple available  Germany
95 (174) Mario Thamm - Miriam Gottschalk Germany
96 (132) Thorsten Petersmann - Rita Petersmann Photos of couple available  Germany
Round 1
PLCouplenumber and Couple nameMediaSponsorsCountry
97 (28) Martin-Karl Ciomber - Angelika Ciomber Photos of couple available  Germany
98 (179) Thomas Welter - Cornelia Welter Photos of couple available  -
98 (159) Ulrich Scherb - Petra Walliser Photos of couple available  Austria
98 (13) Ludwig Benes - Stefanie Hagner-Benes Germany
101 (43) Hubert Fischer - Monika Fischer Germany
101 (115) Ulrich Meumann - Christine Ruegsegger Switzerland
101 (117) Denis Michaud - Diane Michaud Canada
101 (149) Torge Rieper - Gisela Rieper Photos of couple available  Germany
105 (142) Juergen Reber - Sabine Reber Germany
105 (92) Juergen Kosch - Katrin Kosch Photos of couple available  Germany
105 (56) Reelf Gerdes - Martina Ringe-Schuster Photos of couple available  Germany
108 (155) Markus Rueckschloss - Silke Binninger Germany
108 (135) Gerhard Pfuender - Elke Meissner Photos of couple available  Germany
108 (22) Andreas Brockop - Silke Ohlendorf Germany
108 (18) Robert Bonk - Christine Bonk Photos of couple available  Germany
108 (2) Leif Arfert - Majbritt Arfert Photos of couple available  Sweden
113 (125) Ulf Nagel - Doris Nagel Photos of couple available  Germany
113 (151) Alfredo Rivas - Maria Teresa De Paco Spain
113 (157) Michael Saumweber - Sabine Schaffert Germany
116 (140) Robert Postma - Renate Postma Photos of couple available  Germany
116 (93) Michael Krist - Petra Krist Photos of couple available  Germany
118 (106) Helmut Lindmair - Diana Stueber Germany
118 (121) Elmar Montnacher - Sabine Montnacher Germany
120 (29) Carsten Czopp - Ute Marquardt Germany
120 (130) Dirk Pape - Martina Glosemeyer Photos of couple available  -
122 (176) Arndt Tilly - Kerstin Tilly Germany
122 (169) Rudi Stern - Heidi Stern Photos of couple available  Germany
122 (17) Joerg Boehm - Heike Boehm Germany
122 (12) Dirk Bendrin - Martina Bendrin Photos of couple available  Germany
126 (161) Mario Schmid - Annette Roell Germany
127 (61) Bjoern Haben - Ira Haben Photos of couple available  Germany
127 (154) Klaus Rose - Astrid Rose Photos of couple available  Germany
129 (139) Norbert Pohlen - Martina Pohlen Germany
129 (80) Hans-Peter Joeckel - Teresa Joeckel Photos of couple available  Germany
129 (78) Alexander Ivanov - Guzel Sibgatullina Photos of couple available  Russian Federation
129 (50) Marek Fuchs - Dorit Fuchs Photos of couple available  Germany
133 (187) Robert Silver - Linda Lim England
133 (88) Steffen Kniestedt - Antje Kniestedt Photos of couple available  Germany
133 (21) Bernhard Brockmann - Susan Brockmann Germany
136 (127) Georg Niesl - Monika Niesl Germany
136 (185) Armin Winter - Angela Winter Photos of couple available  Germany
138 (60) Kristian Gruenwald - Silvia Gruenwald Photos of couple available  Germany
138 (162) Oliver Schmitt - Petra Albrecht Germany
140 (58) Rainer Griesbaum - Andrea Griesbaum Photos of couple available  Tsc Sibylla Ettlingen
141 (143) Claus Reenberg - Gitte Raarup Photos of couple available  Denmark
141 (136) Karel Pleyer - Radka Pleyerova Czech Republic
141 (128) Arno Nowatzky - Stefanie Nowatzky Germany
141 (104) Andreas Lessmann - Karola Jene Germany
141 (101) Herbert Lenssen - Monika Keller Germany
141 (72) Peter Holzner - Ulrike Holzner Photos of couple available  1. Tsc Schwarz-Rot Herrenberg
141 (6) Klaus Balzer - Corinna Balzer Germany
148 (160) Heiko Schlage - Bettina Schlage Germany
148 (97) Ulrich Kyas - Birgit Spletzer-Kyas Germany
148 (49) Bernd Frueh - Renate Frueh Germany
148 (33) Bernd Dirschauer - Annette Dirschauer Photos of couple available  Germany
152 (31) Michael Deisenroth - Karen-Kristina KöHn Photos of couple available  Germany
152 (39) Ferdinand Fassbender - Christine Siebenbuerger-Thiebes Germany
152 (181) Joerg Westphal - Dorit Westphal Photos of couple available  Germany
155 (172) Dieter Tellermann - Ulrike Tellermann Germany
155 (107) Christian Lohmann - Heike Lohmann Germany
155 (20) Helmut Bresch - Angelika Nothdurft Photos of couple available  Germany
158 (30) Jean-Louis Daussy - Marie-Christine Virion France
158 (57) Detlev Goellner - Daniela Goellner Germany
158 (65) Benno Heissig - Marion Heissig Germany
158 (183) Guy Wiesen - Barbara Susanne Wiesen-Pankratz Photos of couple available  Germany
162 (165) Alexander Schuermann - Gisela Schuermann Photos of couple available  Germany
162 (156) Heinz-Otto Saar - Beate Saar Photos of couple available  Germany
162 (147) Thorsten Rieck - Angela Rieck Germany
165 (11) Ian Belz - Roslyn Belz Australia
165 (41) Dieter Felgendreher - Insa Felgendreher Germany
165 (100) Norbert Lehnert - Sylvia Lehnert Photos of couple available  Germany
168 (178) Hinrich Vollertsen - Birte Vollertsen Germany
168 (118) Reinhold Michel - Ursula Michel Photos of couple available  Germany
168 (91) Peter Kornhass - Petra Fuerstner Germany
168 (86) Thomas Kienzle - Jasmin Kienzle Germany
168 (68) Stephan Hennig - Gitta Hennig Photos of couple available  Germany
168 (59) Frank Grosse - Eveline Grosse Germany
168 (51) Matthias Funke - Ruth Funke Germany
168 (4) Jens Baethke - Andrea Baethke Germany
176 (27) Graham Candler - Christine Candler Photos of couple available  England
176 (62) Christian Halmheu - Eva Keller-Gesing Germany
176 (108) Hans-Heinrich Luehmann - Marie-Luise Luehmann Germany