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Result Service - Competition info
Name competition :WDSF Senior III Standard
City :Frankfurt
Country :Germany
Date :Saturday, 05-13-2023
Association :IDSF
Disipline :Standard
Type :Open
Age :Senior III Standard

Result Service - Results

Result Service / WDSF Senior III Standard / Senior III Standard
Search string:
PLCouplenumber and Couple nameMediaSponsorsCountry
1Slawek Lukawczyk - Janine-Nicole Desai Photos of couple available  -
2Gert Faustmann - Alexandra Kley Photos of couple available  Germany
3Ingo Bauer - Sandra Fuersattel Ger
4Thomas Schmidt - Susanne Schmidt Germany
5Massimiliano Ferrini - Elisabetta Galilei Italy
6Artur Mitterer - Petra Mitterer Ger
7Jens Wolff - Maike Wolff Photos of couple available  Germany
Semi Final
PLCouplenumber and Couple nameMediaSponsorsCountry
8Funk Gerhard - Funk Marion Ger
9Aldo Mazzi - Roberta Pisacane Photos of couple available  Italy
10Zbigniew Sulminski - Anke Sulminski Ger
11Stephan Beth - Isabelle Reyjal Fra
12Roland Holub - Eleonora Holub Austria
13Aldo Iezzi - Alessandra Consorte Photos of couple available  Italy
Quarter Final
PLCouplenumber and Couple nameMediaSponsorsCountry
14Ronny Romijn - Anne Romijn-Briene Photos of couple available  Ned
15John Townsend - Sabine Kuntze Photos of couple available  England
16Harald Huempfer - Ursula Huempfer Germany
17Knut Moeller - Iris Moeller Ger
18Holger Staub - Birgit Staub Photos of couple available  Germany
18Hans Sieling - Petra Sieling Photos of couple available  Germany
18Christof Andreas Schulz - Christiane Drews Ger
21Norbert Jaeger - Beate Christine Jaeger-Eberhardt Germany
22Klaus Gluchowski - Kathrin Rosenkranz-Gluchowski Germany
22Gerhard Pfuender - Elke Meissner Photos of couple available  Germany
24Michael Gross - Regina Gross Germany
Round 3
PLCouplenumber and Couple nameMediaSponsorsCountry
25Dirk Keller - Heidemarie Schulz Photos of couple available  Germany
25Rainer Nolte - Sabine Nolte Ger
27Achim Stegemann - Heike Stegemann Photos of couple available  Germany
27Stefan Bachmaier - Claudia Bachmaier Ger
29Ingolf Daehnert - Gabriele Daehnert Ger
29Thomas Dreimann-Peter - Astrid Peter Ger
29Robert Dub - Sylvia Schaefer-Nouza Photos of couple available  -
29Rainer Martius - Manuela Martius Photos of couple available  Germany
33Wolfgang Tauscher - Andrea Elisabeth Kramer Ger
34Alexander Beaumont - Anne-Gabriele Beaumont Germany
35Niedner Sven - Sabine Haas Ger
36Thomas Weyer - Kerstin Weyer Germany
36Paolo Tesi - Roberta Corrieri Photos of couple available  Italy
36Holger Bernien - Silke Hoffmann Ger
39Bernhard Duerr-Klede - Regina Klede Photos of couple available  Ger
40Marcus Hoetzel - Jenny Hoetzel Germany
41Juergen Buttkus - Birgit Buttkus Germany
41Oliver Draeger - Andrea Simon-Draeger Photos of couple available  Germany
43Horst Beckmann - Patricia Beckmann Photos of couple available  Germany
44Albert Rommel - Andrea Rommel Photos of couple available  Germany
44Mario Thamm - Miriam Gottschalk Germany
46Jens Riedel - Silka Riedel Photos of couple available  Germany
46Ulrich Czempinski - Andrea Bacher Photos of couple available  Germany
48Markus Maeurer - Marion Maeurer Photos of couple available  Germany
Round 2
PLCouplenumber and Couple nameMediaSponsorsCountry
49Dieter Kuchenbecker - Annette Kuchenbecker Photos of couple available  Germany
50Thomas Broszey - Claudia Bleidt Ger
50Clemens Kalmer - Petra Kalmer Photos of couple available  Germany
50Harald Konhaeuser - Anja Hesele Ger
53Philippe Verron - Vincent Carole Fra
53Peter Helmer - Karola Helmer Photos of couple available  Germany
53Markus Bensch - Bianca Strauss Ger
56Bohuslav Benysek - Lenka Benyskova Cze
56Christian Karau - Anette Karau Ger
56Mario Nietzschmann - Cornelia Nietzschmann Ger
59Florian Uhl - Bettina Kunz Germany
59Ulf Seifart - Carola Seifart Germany
59Markus Schaefer - Gabriele Schaefer Germany
62Bernhard Brockmann - Susan Brockmann Germany
62Helmut Lindmair - Diana Stueber Germany
64Martin Hofmeijer - Jacqueline Hofmeijer Photos of couple available Profile page present and updated Netherlands
64Jens Uwe Deutschmann - Anett Doescher Ger
66Denis Bourgeois - Marie Magdalena Dufkova France
67Klaus Bechtold - Jutta Wiessmann Ger
67Peter Birndorfer - Christina Pothfelder Photos of couple available  Germany
67Arno Kalkuhl - Andrea Kalkuhl Photos of couple available  Germany
67Wolfgang Kesseler - Noemi Mark Germany
71Patrick Schlaich - Michaela Schlaich Ger
71Eckhard Quentin - Kirsten Muller-Quentin Ger
71Willem Foppen - Christel Foppen Photos of couple available  Netherlands
71Dieter Felgendreher - Insa Felgendreher Germany
71Goetz Bierbaum - Maren Mueller-Bierbaum Photos of couple available  Germany
76Andreas Wicht - Heike Wicht Germany
76Eckart Werner-Forster - Adelheid Forster Ger
76Rolf Wagenknecht - Cornelia Myriam Christiane Fank Ger
76Martin Gallwitz - Anca Popa Ger
80Jan Willem Winkelman - Francoise Verhaard Netherlands
81Andreas Gilles - Patricia Gilles Germany
82Thorsten Hollmann - Corinna Goetz Ger
83Rudolf Schrank - Claudia Langnickel Ger
83Joseph Pankert - Alice Pankert Photos of couple available  Germany
85Horst Degen - Karin Degen Ger
85Stephan Franke - Kerstin Woltmann Ger
85Ernst Jaeger - Karmen Kelle Ger
85Matthias Luderer - Elvira Luderer Germany
85Juergen Lueders - Karin Lueders Photos of couple available  Germany
90Alois Rother - Dagmar Prause Ger
90Maik Rose - Katrin Rose Ger
90Matthias Richter - Yvonne Richter Ger
90Alfred Leschke - Carola Loibl Ger
90Kai Blecher - Ursula Droebes Ger
95Peter Kornhass - Renate Matuschka Ger
96Heiko Annacker - Kerstin Annacker Ger
96Rainer Griesbaum - Andrea Griesbaum Photos of couple available  Tsc Sibylla Ettlingen
Round 1
PLCouplenumber and Couple nameMediaSponsorsCountry
98Olaf Risse - Ilona Risse Ger
99Detlev Muller - Claudia Nahry Ger
99Volker Moll - Petra Weinzierl-Moll Photos of couple available  Germany
99Daniel Josef Franke - Ute Franke Ger
102Roland Froelich - Siglinde Froelich Germany
102Benno Heissig - Marion Heissig Germany
104Juergen Diegel - Andrea Frey Ger
105Dirk Pape - Martina Glosemeyer Photos of couple available  -
105Norbert Wiedemann - Petra Wiedemann Photos of couple available  Germany
107Peter Eckerle - Anette Eckerle Ger
107Arno Nowatzky - Stefanie Nowatzky Germany
109Matthias Funke - Ruth Funke Germany
109Juergen Baeumer - Irina Weinberger Ger
111Ingo Peter Fahle - Christiane Sylke Siegl Ger
111Gerald Hartung - Kerstin Hartung Germany
113Torsten Baumann - Gudrun Barth Ger
113Steffen Kniestedt - Antje Kniestedt Photos of couple available  Germany
113Matthias Krupp - Brigitte Krupp Ger
113Gunther Scholl - Beate Lever Ger
117Peter Hoerner - Nicole Hoerner Germany
117Joerg Boettcher - Irene Boettcher Ger
119Holger Sander - Ursula Christa Sander Germany
119Joel Velon - Marie-Jo Velon Fra
119Armin Winter - Angela Winter Photos of couple available  Germany
122Bargel Stefan - Monika Brockmann Ger
122Flavio Gaziano - Karina Tatiana Ger
122Rigobert Wagner - Simone Wagner Ger
125Martin Barth - Ariane Erdmann-Barth Ger
126Klaus-Peter Schoeneberg - Carmen Buecker-Schoeneberg Ger
126Christian Schatte - Cornelia Schatte Ger
126Michael Deisenroth - Karen Kristina Koehn Germany
129Herbert Pawella - Liliana Pawella Germany
129Joerg Rompf - Corinna Rompf Ger
131Roman Bullmann - Martina Bullmann Photos of couple available  Germany
131Joerg Oberender - Jacqueline Oberender Ger
133Thomas Schuldt - Birgit Schuldt Ger
133Christoph Pollmann - Astrid Pollmann Photos of couple available  Germany
133Thorsten Mattheus - Mattheus-Staack Elke Ger
136Detlef Stacker - Christine Stacker Ger
137Daniel Xander - Manuela Xander Germany
137Thomas Polzer - Priscila Barkey Germany
137Karl Ernst Neitzel - Heidi Neitzel Ger
137Robert Keller - Manuela Keller Photos of couple available  Germany
141Mathias Kurz - Charlotte Kurz Ger
141Klaus-Ulrich Mosel - Ruth Berg-Mosel Ger
143Uwe Muller - Ilona Muller-Sonntag Ger
143Uwe Rosenkranz - Marion Rosenkranz Ger
143Salvatore Sarda - Sylvia Sarda Ger